Please pray for the youth from the church in Cuenca in the above picture. Last weekend I had about a dozen of them over to my apartment for a BBQ. My goal with them is to get them to move beyond one hour a week Bible studies and social events to real ministry. One option I'm praying about and close to implementing is ESL lessons. Many people in the church we work with in Cuenca, including the youth, have not yet grasped that lost people must be reached and loved from outside of the church. They must take ministry and love to the places where lost people are, which is generally not in a church building or even a house church on Sunday morning. I would like to use ESL lessons one day a week as an opportunity for the youth to bring their lost friends to someplace where they can hear about the Bible and Christ in a very open and inviting way. Pray that if this is something God truly wants to happen that the scheduling would work out and the youth would commit to their involvement.
Continue to pray for the house church we have here every Monday. Douglas and Diana are still very consistent and passionate in following the Lord. However, Washington, Diana's cousin and also friend and co-worker of Douglas, has fallen away and back into some of his old habits. He knows he is living in sin and needs help so pray that love and faithful friendship on the part of Douglas and Diana will bring him back around.
Pray for the community of Guangra. I mentioned this previously as a community we were planning to hike to so that we could make arrangements for a medical team in November. Several times our plans have been cancelled but we recently made progress. A few weeks ago we met the villagers from Guangra at a small town in the mountains that they hike to once a week for supplies at the market. We gave them the letters they need to fill out so we can have a approval from the government and they will also be presenting our request to the entire community. In the meantime we are going to be in contact with them so that we can arrange a date to meet again. They will bring horses and we'll ride in with them and have a look at the community and be introduced. Pray that all these arrangements work out and that we would experience good weather when the time comes to go in as we are in the middle of the rainy season now. I will update when I know for sure when we'll make that trip.
Finally, pray for our efforts in pastoral and leadership training/discipleship in the area of Chunchi. I previously mentioned that there are about 5 communities sending their pastors/leaders to train with us for 3 hours once a month. This is going well but it is evident that many of the people in attendance have great need of growth in their lives. Pray for the community of Tolte as their leaders and pastors are experiencing a very trying time. The teenage daughter of a respected church leader (who attends our training) had premarital sex with another young man in the church and the consequences of that to everyone are being felt. The father, despite being one of the church leaders, handled the situation very poorly and we can now see just how fractured the relationships of that church are beneath pious talk. Pray for healing and conviction on all sides and wisdom for us and the pastor as we try to deal with this tense situation as God desires.
Thanks so much for your prayers! I know updates are sometimes a long time coming but I try to update when there's real news about definite needs. And I really do thank you for your prayers! They mean so much to me!
Church people in America also need to learn to reach the unsaved outside of the church building!