Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Update 11/9/10

Time for another update and probably the last one before the new year. First, the results of the Wellford team last month. The trip, while a good one, veered very far off from our plans (as God often does). The first community of the trip was Zhud. We were told that most of our plans for this community would have to be altered due to the wake and funeral of a 2 yr old boy who had drowned. In Quichua culture the entire community is involved in a funeral. We went to the wake and worked with the kids so the adults could have the service uninterrupted. We also went to the burial the next day. Between the wake/funeral and some bad weather we weren't able to work with the kids in the community as we had on previous occasions. However we were able to make some house visits instead. Overall, I think our mere presence at the wake/funeral showed God's love in a very trying time before many unbelievers. In the community of Gonsol our plans were changed as well. We had been invited into the school for two days to teach English and whatever else we wanted to do. However, this week happened to be the week that the government was taking the census of the country and so school was not in session. Instead we were able to teach to a small group of kids that the director was able to round up on short notice. We also worked with the kindergarten and donated some supplies and made house visits where several people made decisions to follow Christ. Continue to pray for both of these communities as the next trip will probably be around February of the coming year. Pray that these repeated visits would continue to allow the local believers to make the most of open doors. There has been a very noticeable difference in each of these communities over the past year. This will probably be the last post before the new year. With Thanksgiving holidays coming soon I will only have a few weeks before heading back to SC for a few this Christmas. Thanks once again for your many prayers!

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