Here's a brief update on what's been going on for the last week or so. As I mentioned in the last post, we've had a volunteer team in from Wellford, SC. They have adopted two communities that we work with, Zhud and Tambo, and send teams down about 3-4 times a year. The focus of this trip was donating school and sports supplies with the goal of being accepted to return in the future. We donated lots of toys and basketballs and soccer balls and were able to do some quick sports and craft activities to share the Gospel. After 3 days we were able to open many doors in these communities that we are praying the nationals can exploit in the coming months.
I also have a praise and prayer request in the form of a young man named Douglas. Here is his story. While the first volunteer team was here a few weeks ago we went out to eat one night. Douglas was our waiter and overheard us praying for our meal in Spanish. When we were finished and going out to the car to leave he came out and asked what church we were from. He seemed very interested although he wasn't a Christian. We met with him a few days later for an in-depth conversation. He still wasn't ready to make a decision so we left and told him that we would talk more. In the meantime he left town to visit family and we had the volunteer team. Yesterday my boss and I had to go out to a pastors/leader meeting with the nationals and invited Douglas to tag along. While we were in the car he asked a lot more questions and after an hour or so decided to accept Christ. It was a simple prayer and you can always tell when someone is sincerely seeking. Pray for him as he has been reading the Word a lot and will need discipleship in the future.
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