1. It's been two weeks since the team from Wellford was here and a lot was accomplished. Over the course of 3 days we stopped in 4 communities. The focus has been on working in the schools by bringing materials and supplies. In the community of Zhud, where previously the school had been open to us, it was now unwilling to allow us in. Instead, we played sports and games with the kids of the community. However, in Gonzol we were welcomed more enthusiastically than ever and the director of the school invited us to spend several days there the next time the team comes through. God is certainly opening doors there. In Huigra we were able to do activities with the children from the church there. This community is one of the poorest in the area. The pastor, Francisco, has no home or land and relies solely on the provision of God through his congregation and on teams that we bring through. Please pray for each of these communities that the local churches would take advantage of the doors that have been opened and be faithful to follow up on that.
2. Today, tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday (July 14-17) a youth retreat is being held outside of Cuenca. An estimated 40 youth will be attending from all around the Azuay province. The topic is "Breaking the chains". Please pray that the speakers and topic would be relevant to the lives of these youth and that they would be ready to hear what God has to say to them.
3. Next week (July, Mon 19- Fri 23, 2pm-5pm) the church I work with in Cuenca (C.A.S.A. Ministries) is holding a VBS. The neighborhood where the church is located is very rough and most of the kids will be children of prostitutes, alcoholics, drug addicts/dealers, etc. Please pray for those of that that will be involved and for the church that they would follow up on this opportunity appropriately.
Thanks so much for the prayers!